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What He Hides



84 min.


Alpha Wolfe, Calvin Banks, Isaac X, Jayden Marcos


What He Hides Gay Porn Free. Libby Spence (Siri Dahl) is taken aback. When she discovers her husband Eric’s secret stash of gay porn. Though Eric (Alpha Wolf) has recently been interested with volunteering at a local community center. Where he is surrounded by new LGBT acquaintances, she had no idea he was gay. As she deals with the revelation of What He Hides, Libby’s emotions run the gamut. When Eric’s new buddy Harris (Isaac X) arrives to drop off something, he realizes how depressed Libby is. After a little talk, he discloses that he and Eric are having an affair.
Eric and Harris are both taken aback by what Libby does with this information. Jayden Marcos’ parents employ a cooking instructor (Calvin Banks) to assist him improve his marriage prospects. But when Calvin shows up and begins instructing Jayden, sparks fly. They realize the only thing on the menu tonight is each other’s enormous cocks.

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