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Briar Basin Ranch



145 min.


Andrew Miller, Blain O’Connor, Brandon Anderson, Charlotte Sins, Dakota Payne, Dillon Diaz, Killian Knox, Roman Todd


Briar Basin Ranch Gay Newest Porn Movies Free HD. When Julius’s father, Bartram Franklin, dies. He is astounded to discover that a ranch has been given to him from his father’s large wealth of assets. Knew nothing about it until he did some research and discovered that. The Briar Basin Ranch also serves as a popular homosexual bed-and-breakfast. He has no clue why his father would possess the property. But he chooses to take his wife Charlotte to see it. Richie, his father’s hospitality helper, greets him as he arrives.
Though Julius had no idea why his father need someone in that position. As he comes to know Richie, he finds that his father preferred to have Richie in a variety of jobs. Julius and Charlotte are greeted warmly by the all-gay staff. And the pair settles down for a relaxing weekend unaware of the crew’s actual plans.

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